Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hello there.

I really shouldn't be writing right now. My first post of 2011 is actually defying the laws of (my) nature.

You see... I'm hibernating.

What? You thought that was only for animals? You were so wrong.

Hibernation is defined as a state of "sleeping in, reading reformed theology blogs, and praying no one sees you in your ponytail and no makeup as you purchase multiple pints of ice cream at your local Piggly Wiggly." It can also include a new fascination with Scottish music, the show How I Met Your Mother, and Space Bags.

12 sweaters?! In that little thing? I can't wait to clean my closet... tomorrow.

Some people feel guilty about hibernating. Not me. I think this season is a gift, and it is serving a purpose. Maybe "hibernation" is a misleading term. I don't want to insinuate dormancy. Let's just call it "restful preparation." Or restration? Ehh. I'll keep thinking about that one.

Birmingham's ICE-MAGGEDON 2011 has only intensified my inert lifestyle. I've been iced in my house for the past two days. This is a whole new level of hibernation... err... restration, and it has brought its fair share of benefits. It's been refreshing to step back, rest, learn, be with family, and put away all efforts to impress. I've also had a lot of time to talk to myself. Yep, you heard me. I read this today (in a blog... surprise!):

"The main art in the matter of spiritual living is to know how to handle yourself. You have to take yourself in hand, you have to address yourself, preach to yourself, question yourself...

You must turn on yourself, upbraid yourself, condemn yourself, exhort yourself, and say to yourself: ‘Hope thou in God.' And then you must go on to remind yourself of God, Who God is, and what God is and what God has done, and what God has pledged Himself to do.

Then having done that, end on this great note: defy yourself, and defy other people, and defy the devil and the whole world, and say: ‘I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance, who is also the health of my countenance and my God.’”

-D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

While I'm very much enjoying this period of "storing up," I am looking forward to busting out of this cave pretty soon. Or at least getting out of my icy driveway. There are only so many books I can read, and I'm quickly running out of brownie mixes. I've also pulled some muscles while playing the Wii, so that's out. No judgement, please. I tried to make my dog pull me into town, but that didn't work out too well.

"MUSH, BOY! Get me to a Target asap!"

In the meantime, I'll be filling up Space Bags, listening to Scottish music, eating Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream, and talking to myself. To restration!