Ah, Independence Day. I love this day for many reasons.
Sure, I like the fireworks and hot dogs.
And yeah, who doesn't like a little obnoxious American elitism here and there?
But what I love most about the Fourth of July is not the food, the Lee Greenwood song, or even those popper things that you throw on the ground (although all of these rank pretty high).
No, I love the unity. For one day each year, it seems like everyone is on the same team. No Alabama or Auburn. No Republicans or Democrats. No Mac users or PC users. This night we are just citizens celebrating the great experiment that is the United States of America.

Yes, this country has some issues. We're still fumbling around and trying to figure how this experiment is going to turn out. We look stupid sometimes, and it's easy to see all of our flaws. Injustice. Political scandals. Inequality. Debt crisis. Obesity. Lindsay Lohan.
But I can't help but be proud of how far we've come in 200 something years. I can't help but be thankful for the trails that have been blazed and wars that have been fought. I can't help but think of the One who "shed His grace on thee."
So as I sit here eating my leftover banana pudding and watching Next Food Network Star, I realize that I am reaping benefits that I did not earn, and I certainly do not deserve. That's something to celebrate.
Goodnight, and God Bless America.