Sunday, January 3, 2010

breathe in, breathe out

yeah... this is me. photo credit:

I start a yoga class in the morning. Don't be impressed-- it's required for school. But I am looking forward to it nonetheless.

Surprisingly, I've had good experiences with yoga/aerobics in my lifetime. I have fond memories of watching my mother exercise to this little gem:

Watch this. You won't regret it. Yes, she actually did this. And yes, we gave her a hard time about it. Still do.

While my mother worked on her facial muscles, I remember having some pretty impressive videos of my own. Enter: Dance Workout with Barbie. My parents will argue that I would often forgo the actual workout to just sit down and watch.

I disagree.

I distinctly remember doing the "hide and seek" move while being jealous of all of the girls that got to be on the video. And their clothes, of course. I also remember wondering why Barbie's mouth didn't move when she talked. Still confused about that, actually.

As cutting-edge as these videos were for their time, I'm hoping tomorrow's class will be a little less creepy, and hopefully more effective.

If all else fails, I'm getting the Ab Circle.

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