Wednesday, February 10, 2010

barry white and baby backs

Well... it's here.

The iPad, you ask?

The Big Mac Wrap?

No and no (although I am a little curious... about the Big Mac Wrap).

I'm talking about Valentine's Day.

While I don't have a Valentine this year, I have given some thought as to what my perfect Valentine's Day would be like.

The night would begin with a thunderstorm. Preferably in a cabin somewhere. I would get scared, and then this man (my Valentine) would come up behind me and say, "Hey hott stuff, don't you worry baby doll cutie pie brownie face. I've got your back, girl. You complete me." Then he would proceed to give me the Kay Jewelers Open Heart necklace from the Jane Seymour collection. What could be better than a deeply meaningful piece of jewelry designed by Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman? Nothing.

After finishing a game of one-on-one CatchPhrase, we would head out for a night on the town. Yes, we just went from a cabin to the city. It's my dream, leave me alone.

This big night out would involve lots and lots of barbeque ribs. After we polished those off, we would then go see a movie. Probably something like Twilight or Dear John... you know, something we can both enjoy. Did I mention we would sneak some ribs into the theatre? Because we would.

After the movie, we would drive around and listen to Barry White songs. When we arrived back at my apartment, my Valentine would present me with this:

Even though it is not my birthday, and my name is not Beckers, I would still be happy. He got a little confused, but at least he tried and showed how much he cared about me. After we ate all of the cookie cake, my Valentine would go home (because we are not married yet. just keeping it clean).

To top off this perfect night, I would then call up the other men in my life. Then Ben, Jerry and I would curl up to a good WWII documentary.

The end.

At least we know the last part of this fantasy will come true...

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