Thursday, March 3, 2011


Last year I thought I had the smartest, funniest, most thoughtful idea. I would make my friend a JibJab video for her birthday. I giggled to myself as I thought about her reaction. It was going to be her favorite Facebook post, for sure.

For more than an hour I sat in my apartment and chose a video template, uploaded pictures, and meticulously cropped our heads to look proportionate to the bodies. As I clicked "Done" and looked for the URL code, I was greeted with a nice message that congratulated me on my new video. It also told me that it would only cost $12 a year to become an exclusive member at JibJab. It also wouldn't let me post the video without paying said $12.

You're now looking at a card-carrying exclusive member of JibJab. Be impressed. Or tell me I'm the biggest sucker in America.

I've decided to take full advantage of my credentials and make as many of these babies as possible. I know, JibJab videos were so 2009, but I'm still entertained nonetheless. I'm riding this fad train to the last station; I've invested too much time and money to turn back now.

Please enjoy my latest creation. Kenneth Parcell and I had a blast at Soul Night at our community center last weekend. Hope you like our moves (as well as our many wardrobe changes).

So how did my friend like her video? Unfortunately I had a mild lapse in judgement and decided on the "Farting Office Birthday Song." Turns out that's not the most tasteful video to be posting on someone's wall. But I know she appreciated the thought, even if it was crude and a little unbecoming.

Be on the lookout for more videos in the future, and don't be surprised if you get one of these for your birthday. I'm about to go do some ribbon dancing with Justin Beiber. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. Once apologies for deleting the farting jibjab video. P.S. That plaid suit is niiiiice!
