Monday, February 15, 2010

step sing, chapter one

I want to tell you a story.

It's about 70-ish girls who get together for three hours a night during the month of February to sing and move around on a grid made of painter's tape. We'll call this story, "Step Sing."

There are five types of girls in this tale:

1) The girls that like to correct others, especially the directors. "Uhhhhh.... WAIT! Yesterday you told us to have our right arm at a 45 degree angle. You clearly just had your hand at a 47 degree angle. I meeeean.... like.... which one do you want us to do?!"

2) The shushers. You can't miss these women. Their attempt to make everyone be quiet is usually pretty useless, because their "SHHHHHHHH"-ing is far louder--and more annoying-- than any amount of chatter.

3) The touchy-feelies. Watch out for these girls. They're sneaky. One minute you'll be having a conversation about The Bachelor, and the next minute you'll be sucked into scratching their back or braiding their hair. Not sure how, but it always happens. Best way to avoid being conned? Three words: "I have leprosy." Works every time.

4) The enthusiastic girls. These girls are the ones who actually dress up for "spirit days," whether it be hoodlum attire, their high school cheerleading uniform, or straight-up goth wear. While it may sometimes be distracting to have your neighbor's long gangster chain hit you in the face during dance moves, these girls make practices a lot more entertaining.

5) The girls who really don't know what they're doing, and usually have to be told by the younger girls where to go and what to do. These girls look forward to practices because they're interested in what snacks will be offered, and also how many times they can make inappropriate references. They usually go by the nickname of "Brittany."

Step Sing 2009. We were witches. I don't want to talk about it. Shout-out to Ellen Hill (second from the left) for this post idea.

Now you have some background about the characters in this story. Stay tuned for chapter two of "Step Sing." It's sure to be a thriller.

1 comment:

  1. haha! this is dead on!

    yep, i'm a 3... hope your leprosy clears soon!
