Sunday, October 10, 2010

birds and bees

This post is a little late, but that doesn't mean I haven't been thinking about writing it. I've actually been a little nervous about how you'll respond. I hope you're ready for it. I trust you've all matured in a week. I think it is finally time. Time to tell you about the birds and the bees.

But first, Meet Mallory...

(and her giant corsage)

I've known Mallory for a very long time. We used to go to church together, and we've been through many-a children's musicals, youth group mission trips, and these days... wedding showers. When we found out Mallory was getting married, my mother and I quickly signed up to host her lingerie shower. You see, Joy (my mom) and I are getting pretty good at this. After throwing three of these in the past, we've become a well-oiled machine in the art of panty parties.

Partner in crime

We were a little surprised that my fourteen-year-old sister came up with the best idea for a lingerie shower theme. But thanks to her brilliant idea, we decided to host go with a "birds and the bees" motif. Good job, Hope. I don't even want to know when you learned about this.

We took the theme pretty literally. I've always been a bit confused about the "birds and the bees."
No, not that.
The actual saying. Here's a link if you're a sheltered nerd like me.

I can't take credit for the beautiful calligraphy on these cake balls. That would be my friend Alison.
She said she only licked one.

Adorable cookies courtesy of Lindsey, sister-of-the-bride.

If you told me I had to make one more tissue-paper ball, I think I would cry.
Real tears.

Lindsey led us all in some great games and entertainment
(which sadly, did not include an interpretive dance to a Marvin Gaye song).

Sisters + some of the loot

I'm so glad we were able to be a part of this exciting time in Mallory's life. And I'm also glad I don't have to make another tissue-paper ball for a while.

Do you have any questions about this post? Wait, nevermind. Better go ask your mom.

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