Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Have I ever told you about the cardinal that likes to poop on my car? No? Oh, well let me explain.

You see... there is this cardinal. And it likes to poop on my car. Every time I come home. Since Spring 2009. I know it harbors some intense feelings of hatred towards me... I just wish I knew what I did to deserve this year of defecation. I wish we could sit down and have a mature, civilized conversation about it instead of playing poop war. I mean seriously, bird. Grow up.

I know what you're thinking. "Brittany, you idiot. Why don't you just wash it off?"

Oh, that's a great idea! Unfortunately, no more than three minutes pass by before the poop is back. I wish I was exaggerating.

"Why don't you get one of those fake owls to scare it away?" Been there.

"You should just park your car in a different spot." Duh. Done that.

My father has sat for hours in our laundry room with his bb gun aimed through the window, just waiting to shoot the little butt-hole. But alas... the bird still lives. And poops.

I'm done being nice. Any suggestions on how to kill a cardinal legally will be graciously accepted.

I've had it with this crap.

On a different note: spring break post is coming soon. Get ready for lots of topless pics (joking, joking).

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