Saturday, March 6, 2010


While stalking blogs recently, I noticed that many people like to post their favorite recipes and add pictures of the process. So I decided to join the fun and share my favorite dinner that I make. It's a secret recipe that my mother carried with her from the Old Country (Centerpoint, Alabama). She passed the secret to me, and now I am ready to share it with the world. We call it cereal.

Here's what you'll need:

First, start with a nice, clean bowl. I've used a coffee cup before, but I don't recommend it. I was desperate.

Next, pour about 1 1/2 cups of cereal into the bowl.

Now add 1 cup of milk.

Finally, grab your favorite utensil (I've found that spoons work best), and dig in!

I usually try to have a side item with this dinner. I personally think that fudgesicles are a great complement to this meal, but plain fudge would also work fine.

I know this recipe may seem difficult at first glance, but it's actually pretty simple. Not to mention nutritious. Growing up, it was always such a treat to gather around the television on Sunday nights and eat a big bowl of mom's famous cereal. Can't wait to pass this treasure on to my own children someday.



  1. haha don't laugh at me... i've given you a blog award :)

  2. I cried from laughing so hard! Oh, how I miss you, BT.

  3. ahhhhh, love it! you are totally the next pioneer woman.

  4. Yum! I have such a sweet tooth at the moment :D and I remember these de-lish treats as a kid too.

